CLC and AAC block cutting machine using fly ash bricks machine for cutting blocks.In a time so many pieces or blocks will make at a single press is the merit of this machine.This blocks are using for fill in the beams and filler of the building. CLC blocks are made with a forms of chemical so it is weightless block, but strong and highly protect able like stone and other bricks in the market. Fly hash bricks machine using CLC and AAC is enteirly different from other bricks making process. For more business ideas click here
Price – 1200000

Fly ash bricks mixer machine
The fly ash bricks mixer machine using for mix some chemicals and oils for the purpose of making clc bricks. In this mixer can mix 100 block at a single mix. So the production capacity is very high.Th clc or aac brick will not down or the water because it is weightless.fifteen minutes only need for a single mix that why the production capacity for a day is very huge. In this second hand machine or full set machine will get a little price than new machinery. The fly ash bricks mixer machine price get different rate for different capacity.

CLC or AAC bricks machine
The process of producing CLC fly ash bricks machine dies for design on the matter of our production capacity.There 35 mold are available for sales on the second hand molds. If you to make new mold it will come 35000 rupees for a single mold. Here available all the single unit completely for sale only 1200000 Indian rupees. If you are to make a new machinery for CLC or AAC block unit will come 25 lacks and above investment for machinery.

For purchases this second hand machine fill below form
- If we are make a new machine for a clc or aac fly ash brick , we have to buy it at a higher rate and buy it for a second machine will help to reduce machinery investment.
- Very few people in Kerala make CLC fly ash blocks. One of the specialties of this is that it is very thin but with a little weight we can go a long way.
- Most commonly used to make the wall between the fillers of the area where the buildings are made. When building stairs like this one, the building weight will be significantly reduced.
- Therefore, the sheer weight of a building can make a life long. So all the big buildings that are coming up now are just blocks. Therefore, the market for such kidneys is huge.
How to get the profit from clc bricks
- The production process of clc fly ash bricks machine on the bases of sizes of bricks
- Each bricks will be sell on 10 rupees final profit making.
- Every day will produce minimum 500 and above on the bases of electricity and machinery capacity
- Thats means 500*10=500 rupees profit from a day. this profit is net profit all other expense are maintained by the price of the bricks.
- In a month have 26 working days,if you are contentiously work and produce bricks get 13000 bricks from a month so you will make a profit like 130000 (1.3 lakh)in a month.
- Its a huge profit making business with medium level investment.
Major problem of fly ash bricks machine
- The clc or aac fly ash brick are using to filling the gap of the building. Why because its weight less bricks. It have no more support to making home building or direct concrete purpose.
- That why it only suit for the urban area for production. Because the urban area have much concession on the bases of flat, building etc .
- The marketing is very important mater for profit making. The production is in a native place no matter so take market on urban place or town area.
- hollow bricks and inter lock bricks are have a huge market in any place like village and urban because its have usages. But the clc or aac fly ash brick entirely different from hollow bricks and inter lock bricks on the bases of production and material.
- So any one to start the clc or aac production to make most modern technology to apply for production.
- Technology will help to make your product strong and finish will be better.
Materials for fly ash bricks machine
Fly ash – 2.2 / kg
Lime – 8/kg
aluminium – 300/kg
gyp-son prouder – 3/kg
The material mixing process is different in different manufactures in different area. The mixing process is make the quality of product in every company. The major part of the product is fly ash the cost of fly ash is very law from other materials. So the fly ash bricks making machine using production is making very huge profit in the business. The material availability of fly ash is very huge Matore Tamilnadu is the nearest place in kerala have huge stock in fly ash.
Other materials like lime and aluminium pouder are easily get any where in kerala. So the clc and aac bricks making process is easily start any where in kerala. The material and machinery availability is not problem for the production. Gypson pouder is other material are getting eranamkulam in keral or other part of india have little price. We make only the potential of the market demand and supply. The urban area have not any fear about the bricks sale. The fly ash bricks have much demand in urban area.