How to start Re packing business with machine is a very profitable business and it is very easy to start. If you would like to start this business,don’t bother about the availability of raw materials and packing machine. Because majority of the repacking products are well available in market.
peas,kaduk,spinach,good cumin, coriander powder,chilli powder are the food grain products that you can able to repack. You can also able to use liquid products oil, sunflower oil and coconut oil for repacking business . Bakery items and dry fruits are some other items that you can able to sell by repacking with the help of re packing machine.
Packing machine for re packing business
Before start re packing business you must try to find the best profitable products and start the business of them. One of the specialization of the re packing business . If you would like to begin a small scale business,you can able to start it in your own home.
Pouch packing machine
There are different type of pouch packing machine in the market. You should take some discussion before select a pouch packing machine. That’s are given below.
- Speed of the packing machine (number of out put per hour).
- Technology of the machine .
- Packing capacity (how much kilogram per pack).
- Model of packing or select packing material.
Automatic packing machine
The automatic packing machine should help to reduce the number of labors and production risk. The re packing business with machine have so many verity of machinery in the market.
Fully automatic,semi automatic, manual packing machine etc. The cost of machine will be change on the bases of mode of production.
Snacks packing machinery
The snacks packing machinery help to pack the bakery snacks product. In this packing machine working under Principle of Load Cell Based. So this machine help to pack the snacks product with out any damage.

Contact packing machinery for re packing food product
PH: + 91 0484 2382211, 4030212
Web :
PH: +91 99953 40280, +91 94473 65093
Email :
Itself and there is no need of any license to sell the products. But in this case you can’t able to make a big marketing by branding. If you want to get a good marketing,you must do this business in multi level . And it you must to establish an essential to a packing unit with the help of hi tech packing machinery.
In this article,we provide all the details to begin a business . Like investment,materials,machinery and it’s contact details,profit,marketing strategy. How to do branding and also we provide all the information in this article to begin this business. So read the article carefully to start this business.

Profit from re packing business with packing machine
The business plane How to start Re packing business with packing machine define the profit. The profit is based on the selected product,the technology and the materials used to pack the products. While starting business,try to gave more profit to the distributor to develop your business.
You will get a profit of minimum 20 rupees per kilogram on each product. You can able to earn more profit through these types of businesses by increasing the quantity for selling and market. The cost of packing are eletrical bill,rent for distribution and sallary are the production cost. If you are packing the products at home,there is no need of workers. Because you can’t able to pack somany products without machinery .
But you can also able to increase the production with one or two workers. When your product’s market will be increase. In this case your daily expense will be increased due to the salary of workers. But if you make production with the help of a machinery,you will get a production of 3 ton or 4 ton . Then you can able to sell more products and maintain your daily expense in a good manner. You can able to buy the machines which produce 200 kilograms per day and above. You can able to select it based on your market capacity.
Net profit ( to start Re packing business)
If you use a machinery which provide a production of 200 kilograms,you will get a profit of 20 rupees per product and you will get 4000 rupees as daily income. For using a machinery of 200 kilograms,you need a single worker only and you want to spend 400 rupees as his wage. Also travelling expense and electricity bill and the total amount will be almost 800 rupees per day. So you will get 3200 rupees per day as net profit.
You will also get a profit of 30 rupees and 40 rupees per kilograms on some products. So try to select such products and when your market will be wide, you can also able to add the products. That will provide you less profit. In this manner you will get 26 working days per month and your monthly net profit will be 83200 Indian rupee.This is an advantage of the small scale businesses. If your market become widened and changed as a large scale business,your profit will also become doubled.
Investment for Re packing food product with packing machine
The investment of this business is like all other businesses. But if you start this business at your home,the investment is very less. Because there is no need of machinery and building. In home based business,the only investment is for purchase the material.
Building investment for re packing business
Building investment for re packing business on the bases of our plane or estimation. If you start this as a small scale business,you must need a 500 square meter building and a single phase connection. If you start the business with large machinery,you must need three phase connection and more area. So in the case of building,you want to spend around 150000 rupees. When you construct the building make it 10 metre away from the boundaries of other plots. You must follow this to take panjayath license and to get the NOC of pollution control board. The height of the building will be 5 meter and the height at the central height should be 7 meter.
Machinery investment for re packing business
Machinery investment for re packing business as also on the bases of our production capacity . The next essential factor for this business is machinery. The price of the machinery is different according to its capacity . The price of the machinery is starting from 1.5 lakhs and it is upto 25 lakhs. If you want a machinery above this,it is also available. If you start a small scale industry,the price of the machinery for it should be around 8 lakh. The machinery which provide a production of 200 or 300 kilograms per day is suitable at the starting of the business. So you didn’t want to make a sudden updation while you get a market and make necessary production only.
Investment for electrical connection and work
The next investment of this business is based on the electrical connection. It is based on the area. If the place have allocation and a three phase connection is passing through near the place of the building,there is no need of an establishment of a new line. If you want to establish a new line,you must be charged around 350 rupees per meter from KSEB and you must want to pay the labour cost. So you want to spend around 50000 rupees per 100 meter.
You must want to do some electrical work in the building. Then only you will get the electricity connection. So you must want to consider 1.5 lakh rupees as electrical cost.
License and other investment for re packing business plane
When you start this small scale industry,GST is essential. So for GST and panjayath license, you want to spend around 45000 rupees. If you want a vehicle to sell the product,you want to buy that. S o the total investment to start a small scale repacking business investment is around 7.5 lakh rupees.
Most profitable Material for re packing unit
The major materials used for this business is vegetable products like peas,kaduk,spinach,good cumin, coriander powder,chilli powder and these are the major products used for repacking purpose. Oil items like. coconut oil,sunflower oil are also used for repacking business.

re packing product
According to a beginner in this business,begin with one or two products for repacking. You will get all these products from nearly wholesale shops for cheap rate. When you start the production as large scale,you can able to buy the bulk products from other states and the places that cultivate these products for better price.
According to small scale industry,purchase from such places is a risky task. Because your working capital will be high in investment. So according to a beginner in this business, buying the products from a wholesale shop . Search who the people who sell the products for wholesale price is more suitable.
So provide contact details of materials is not essential here. So it is better them to use peas, kaduk,spinach , good cumin, coriander powder,chilli powder for repacking purpose. While you get a good market, it is better to install new machineries and units to develop the business slowly
Packing materials for repacking
PP and ld materials are using for packing process. It is make if you want to print your brand name its also available in the market. Contact supplier
Eranam kulam : Ph +91 0484 2731261
palakkad : +919447185250
Contact Machinery for re packing food product
PH: + 91 0484 2382211, 4030212
Web :
PH: +91 99953 40280, +91 94473 65093
Email :
Licence for how to start re packing business
- Panjayath or municipality license
- GST for sale
- Bank Account
- Udhyog adhar for small scale production
- Pollution control board NOC ( On the bases of electrical power consumption )
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