Start Bag making business – we are going to discuss through this article about the bag making business. You may see many different types of bags in market like school bags,ladies bags,jwellery bags,purse e.t.c.
All these things are made with different materials by stitching. Among them,cargo bags are highly demand and profitable products. So in this article we included all the details of this business like the possibility of this business,profit,machinery,investment e.t.c.
School bags is a very essential material on school opening period and lakhs of bags sold out on each season. The materials for this business are available from our surrounding markets.
If you have a good idea about this business and a skill in designing,you can able to establish a product in a good brand. For marketing,it is suitable to find a good distributor instead of making inquiries. We included all the detailed information in below article.

Material for start bag making business
So let see the materials for bag making business are non woven fabrics and rexin. You can able to buy the non woven fabrics of different design and gsm. Rexins is also like that. The list of materials are given below.
1 bag fabric
2 Interfacing
3 Sewing machine
4 Webbing
5 D rings & other rings
6 Sliders
7 Zippers
8 Rivets
9 Swivel Snap hooks
10 Magnetic snaps
11 Purse locks
12 Bag bottoms & feet
13 Purse chains
14 Frames for purses
15 Embellishments
16 Lining / Interlining
Fabric Materials for bag
There are many materials using for making bags,among these the display part is the important one,which is by fabrics material for bag. Canvas,venyl,leather and feather are the things included in fabrics.

While selecting the materials for bag you must take a pr-equation and that is check that the material. That is strong and durable and also a good structure and attraction. Interfacing is important other than leather.,fake leather,venyl,hard canvas.
Webbing for bag

Another important material is Webbing for bag. Nylon,cotton fibre is mainly using for vebbing. I t is mainly using for making handle of bag. By this we can increase the quality and power of bag.
D rings & other rings for bag

Another material is D shaped and round shaped rings,these are using in handles and for decorating. There are many types of shape eg: triangular,oval.square etc. Their size depends on the part joining by them mainly joints of handles.
Sliders for bag

Next,we use plastic shaped slider.This is used to adjust the length of the strap. Actually it is a mediator to increase and decrease the length of the strap.
Zippers for bags

Then we use Zippers for bag opening and closing . In the case of Zippers ,select and purchase it according to the color of the bag. Zippers is use to open and close the bags. There will be two pullers for lengthy Zippers. So it’s teeth actually made with plastic and the Zippers is metal made. You can able to buy the pullers by design it as suitable to the Zippers and it will be used while making high quality bags.
Rivets, Swivel Snap hooks, Magnetic snaps, Purse locks, Bag bottoms & feet
We also use a material called rivet for bag. If you didn’t stitch the hand of the bag,you must use this rivet material for punching to the hand. Stitching snap hooks is used to fit the strap on the bag and you can also able to remove it if you don’t want to use it.
If you Start Bag making business there is also magnetic snap. It is used in the products like purses for close purpose. In purses,there will be locks and you can able to buy manufactured products. If you would like to make cargo bags,you need wheels for that and also if you make school bags,it have bag bottom and feet and it is available in market.
Purse chains, Frames for purses

Some ladies bags gave chains and it is used to make the bang beautiful and attractive. And you can also able to use some embroidery works on bags to make it more beautiful and you can able to buy it from your nearly markets.
Start bag making business have lot of other materials like frame and lining for frame work. It will help to improve product quality and image.
Contact supplier for bag making material
Sri sithalakshmi Textiles
East hanumantharaya koil Street
Erode tamil nadu
Contact +91 9080891096
Investment to Start Bag Making Business
we discuss about investment to start bad making business. If you would like to start this business as a unit,you can able to start it with three or four sewing machines. But if you start this business at your own home,you want to spend only a little money around 15000 for machinery.
Building investment for bag making
If you start this as a business,you need your own building or a building for rent. If you use a rent building,you need a particular rent as building investment. Another investment is for machinery. So you use a single machine,you want to spend around 20000 rupees . If you want a good quality machine,you will get it for 15000 rupees. So you need a common machinery,you will get it for 2500 rupees.
If you have business only on small area, you can able to do it with the help of a single machinery and you can able to earn around 1000 rupees per day by consider 4 or 5 shops per day.
Machinery investment for bag making
But if you start the business with your or five machines,you can able to start it with around 1.5 lakh rupees for machinery and other equipments. Other investment is for panjayath license. If you use a rent building,there will already an electrical connection. Use a rent building is best suitable for start up this business. If you would like to start a large scale business,you need GST. But if your turn over is around 20 lakh, actually you didn’t need GST. If you purchase a bulk products,you definitely need GST. Now let’s look up to the machinery.
A sewing machine,scissor and clipping equipments are the machinery items for this business. Detialed information is given below.
Sewing Machine And Tools for bag making
Sewimg machine,grommets and setting tools are the tools used for this business.The contact details for purchase the machinery is given below.

Sree Chakra sewing machine
SS colony Madura
contact : 7094491399
Manjery Agencies
Favas , kerala India
Contact : 9947147147
Sree chakra sewing machine
kalamashery Eranamkulam Kerala
Ph : +91 7356163311
Web : www.sreechakrasewings,com
Profit From Bag making business
Now let’s discuss about the profit from bag making business. You can able to make a good production by using different types of manufacturing techniques. So you can able to sell costly and cheap products in market . If you make purses or ladies bags,you can also able to identify the profit by considering the quality.
You can also able to calculate the machinery expense,labour cost and travel expense of this business. If you want to spend 10 rupees for making a product,you can able to sell it for 15 rupees. This is just an example. If you want to spend around120 rupees for making a bag, you can able to sell it for 170 rupees.
Bag making business is a business which you will get a profit of 40 % to 50% per each product. You can able to acquire more profit by increasing your productivity. In market there are needful products on every time.
Market about bag making business
Here no tension about the potential of bag making business. The market about bag making business is very huge, School bag is a seasonal product. So in that season,try to produce more bags on that time. Like that in hajj-umra season,concentrate your goal on cargo bags to acquire more profit. Ladies bags and jewelry bags are highly demanded products on every time.
You can able to take a good production of these materials by maintain a stability. If you make a production of 10000 rupees per day,you will get a 15000 rupees and you will get 5000 rupees as profit per day. So make this as your goal to get a good profit.
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