Balloon Printing business with machine is a very profitable business opportunity and here we are discussing about this interesting business idea. The most interesting thing here is that we can start this entrepreneurship at a zero investment. If you start with out machinery.
Contact for balloon printing training
Profit from balloon printing business
There is no fixed cost involved in the balloon printing business with out machine. Because, equipment with huge investment like machines and buildings are not necessary. The most important task in this regard is that the processes of preparing dye for printing in balloons.
So, before entering in to the balloon printing business you have to make a systematic study on the making process of dye. It is very crucial and significant to enhance and increase the profitability in this business.

The market potential of the balloon printing business with or without machine
Most of the people are unaware about the high market potential and profitability of the balloon printing business with machine. The possibility of wide popularity among mass community with a low advertising cost is the main attraction of balloon printing.
That’s why advertising through the printing on balloons has huge demand among business communities. By this printing business we can also take benefit by providing balloon stick and lock after filling air in it. It will be order to increase our profit margin.
More details about this business have been discussed in the following sections. The following segments of this article have analyzed the possibility of profit margin of this business. Including raw materials for its production process and various issues which you have consider when you running this business with machinery in detail.
market demand
Her you have a brief study on the scope and market potential of the business of balloon printing. By balloon printing we are offering a mass advertising technique with low level advertisement cost. As we know any minimum size companies and institutions are allocating a certain percentage of their revenue and investment for advertisement in each year.
Mainly, most of the textiles and jewelries are giving balloons to their customers by printing the name of their business as a complementary gift. In this way hundreds of balloon are distributing through different shops in each and every day.
Especially these air filled balloons with sticks are giving to children who are accompanying their parents when they are coming for shopping. When you are making a direct enquiry in such types of shops nearby your towns, you can found its market and possibilities. The best and most feasible strategy which you have to keep in mind is that your orders should be delivered in right time without any delay.
Business possibilities
In the same time you can make some other business simultaneously in the same shops with balloon printing. One of such important opportunities is that you can make screen printing on purses and big shoppers also which are giving by jewelries as gift to their customers. In this way you can expand and diversified your business operations to more areas.
Balloon printing method without machine (screen printing)
Method of screen printing can be used for the process of printing on balloons. Therefore the making of screen printing is a necessary element in this process. The making cost for screen print in one design is only at RS 150. The ingredients and raw materials to make dye for printing including chemicals have explained below.

Raw materials for Screen printing (screen making process)
There are screen making process and raw materials for screen printing making are given bellow.The frame manufactured by wood or square pipe can be used to make design for screen printing. The frame has to be perfectly covered by setting mesh fabric cloth.
After that we have to perfectly apply the mixture chemicals such as sensitizer and gigi cote on mesh cloth. In the second stage of process we should set the design printed in butter paper on cloth after dry the chemicals.
You should apply oil on mesh to paste butter paper easily on it. The most important and strategic method here is that copying that design to the screen by passing sun light through it. Approximately 30 to 50 seconds sun light will be enough to make this process.
After that it has to be purified in water to finish the preparation of screen. If you are interested and enthusiastic to study the making process of screen scientifically, you can contact with the following number.
Contact for screen making process
Abid zain
malappuram kondotty
Ph: +91 8921 750 661
Raw material for balloon printing business with or without machine
The necessary raw materials to establish a balloon printing business have given below. The basic raw material to start a unit of balloon printing is screen. The making process of screen has explained already in above descriptions in detail.
The next item of significant raw material for balloon printing business is obviously balloons. Various kinds of balloons by different companies with different quality and prices are available in the market. The most popular and widely used balloon for this purpose is balloon produced by Rubek.
Contact rubek balloons
Rubek Balloons Pvt Ltd,
Regd.Office: P.B.No.15, Rubber Mark Building, Gandhi Nagar,Cochin. Pin-682020.
Ph: +91 484 2204765, 2205849
Fax: +91 484
Ink for balloon printing business
Other important materials is ink for balloon printing business purpose. Reducers to dilute the ink and squeezer to copy the design to screen. The ink for balloon printing is made by mixing or rubber content. So this balloon printing ink is entirely different from other ink. Besides these you have to arrange a facility to dry the ink after its printing process.
For that process we are usually using rim of cycle tire. This facility can be used to dry the print in balloons by connecting and rolling it by the help of a pulley.
Contact ink for balloon printing
Profit from balloon printing business with or without machine
Here discus about Profit from balloon printing business with or without machine. We can easily print around 1500 to 2500 balloons every day by using two workers. This big variation in per day numbers of printing is because of the variation in skills of workers. So, the numbers of prints is largely depends on the method of printing and skill and speed of the workers.
Anyhow, a printed balloon can be selling in the price RS 2.80 and the purchasing cost of raw balloon is only RS 1.05. An additional profit can be earned from this business by selling balloon sticks and locks with this printing unit.
Profit per day from balloon printing
At least, you can earn RS 4200 in each day if you are printing 1500 balloons per day which charging at RS 2.80 for each piece. To calculate the profit we can deduct the cost of RS 1575 to purchase 1500 balloons at a price of RS 1.05 for each piece. So, the profit will be around RS 2625.
To calculate net profit we have to deduct the cost of RS 100 for paint, RS 800 given as wages and RS 200 as TA from this profit. So, at least we can earn around RS 1525 per day as net profit.
If you are doing this job by yourself with your family from your home you can avoid the cost of wage also. Additional revenue can earn by selling the balloon stick which can be available for RS 0.60 at wholesale market. This stick can be selling at RS 0.90 to RS 1.00. If you are selling around 1000 sticks and locks in a day, you can earn an additional revenue of RS 300 per day.
Monthly profit from balloon printing
Now we can calculate the total monthly profit from producing 1500 balloons per day. It can be calculated as following way and we are assuming that the unit will function 24 days in a month. As we already said the net profit from balloon printing is RS 1525 and the additional revenue from stick sales is RS 300 per day. So the total profit in a day will be approximately RS 1825 per day.
It can be multiplied by 24 to calculate monthly profit. It will be RS 43776 per month and interesting thing is that it can be earned without any investment expenditures.
There is no need of any licenses or clearances from government to establish balloon printing business with or without machine. The crucial thing in this business is that you have to identify the places where you can purchase raw materials or products such as balloons, purses and big shoppers at a maximum possible low price. Nowadays there are many possibilities to identify such places where you can purchase those products at a very low price. Contact numbers of some of those places we have given below.
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