Spinal cord mobilization focus to re position your spited disc to spinal cord. SPS physio therapy aims to focus on implementing evidence based,result oriented,scientific protocol in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
Team SPS offers you a wide range of services to maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout your life-span.
*With tg help of advanced technology,talented professionals and world class equipments;provide an umbrella of healthcare services.
*To be and remain number one choice in spinal cord injury rehabilitation.
Treatment modalities for spinal cord mobilization.
*Electrical stimulation
*Ultra sound therapy
*Manual therapy
*Exercise prescription
*Therapeutic taping
*Mulligan concept
*Peripheral semi manipulation
Contact SPS physio therapy & Rehabilitation
kooriyad malappuram dst
kerala India
Phone +917034144538,
+91 7034144534
WhatsApp : +91 7034144534
Why SPS physio therapy for Spinal cord mobilization
We the SPS team access th condition and needs and develop a rehabilitation or recovery treatment plan that is most suitable to the patient and it’s circumstances.The centre i equipped with the most advanced machinery equipments and services that will aid an early and better treatment outcome when compared to the conventional ones present in majority of the centres in India.

1.Electrical stimulation
*Helps to restore muscle functions
*Reduce muscle spams
*pain particularly after injury,stroke or other incidents that results.
2.Ultrasound therapy for Spinal cord mobilization
Used for treating chromic pain and various kinds of desorders such as arthritis,fibromyalgia and acute injuries.
3.Manual therapy for Spinal cord mobilization
*Using hands on techniques manipulation and mobilization to reduce pain.
*Increase range
*Reduce or eliminate inflammation and facilitate the ease of movement.
4.Exercise prescription for Spinal cord mobilization
*Get a custom treatment plan to help with recovery,fitness and health goals.
5.Therapeutic taping (K-tape)
*Used to reduce pain,improve athletic performance and and prevent injury.
*Used to treat neck nd back pain
*Uses gentle pulling to reduce the pressure on the spines disk and increase the space where nerves exit the spinal cord.
7.Mulligan concept
*Group of mobilization and movement manual therapy techniques to reduce pain and restore function to painful injured area.
Peripheral point manipulation
*Using gentle supportive movements to stimulate the joints and reduce muscle spams and reduce pain.
Neuro Rehabililation for Spinal cord mobilization
Complex medical process which aims to aid recovery from a nervons system injury.
Treated conditions
*stroke recovery
*Cerebral palsy
*Brain injury
*Gulhains barse symptoms
Rehabilitation in spinal cord injury
Tromatic and non tromatic event that leads to nueral damage that influence motor sensory and respiratory functions
*To achieve high level mobility goals required for community participation.
monitor recovery of functions.
*To reinforce family and career training.
Our treatment
*Neorological physiotherapy,pardriatric physiotherapy,orthopaedic physiotherapy,
women’s health,pain clinic,fitness,sports rehabilitation,spine clinic.
*Chiropractic treatment (spine fixing)
*On pins and needles (dry needling)
A thin monofilament needle penetrates the skin and treats underlying muscular trigger points for the management of neoro musculo skeletal pain and movement impairments.
Contact SPS physio therapy & Rehabilitation
NH Venniyoor near market road
opp Alpha poly clinic
Venniyoor malappuram dst
kerala India
Phone +918891884288,
+91 8590755700
WhatsApp : +91 8590755700
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