M sand crusher have to produce manufactured sand from stone. This article is comprehensively analyzing the business ideas of M-Sand and P-Sand crusher. Manufactured Sand (M-Sand) are produced and artificially created by crushing rocks and quarry stones..
Two types of sands are produced in this way. They are Manufactured Sand (M-Sand) and Plastering Sand (P-Sand). In M-sand, there will be granules and larger aggregate pieces of stones. But P-sand will be more nicer without including larger pieces of stones and granules.

In this article, we are explaining about the production techniques of M-sand, machinery, raw materials, profit margin and legal clearance in detail. M-sand production is a very attractive business opportunity by ensuring a huge expected profitability. For this business we have to set many basic infrastructure and other facilities in advance. M-sands are very essential and unavoidable raw material for construction work.
Investment for M sand crusher
As all other types of business, to establish M-sand manufacturing business also we need basic infrastructure facilities like building, machinery and electricity connection. First of all we can discuss about its required size of building. All these infrastructure facilities should be designed on the basis of your production capacity.
Here we are explaining about the construction of building with the size of 15 meter width and 20 meter length. The height of building is also very important in M-sand production. Approximately, the building should have the height of 15 to 20 meter. The total expense to build this kind of a building has calculated below. To construct this type of a building with a strong base, we need to spend 710160 rupees.
Machinery M sand crusher
Here we are explaining about the required machineries to run a crusher unit by producing M-sand and P-sand. Mainly three types of crusher units are necessary for this namely; primary crusher unit, secondary crusher unit and VSI crusher unit.
Vertical shaft impactor for crusher
VSI means that Vertical Shaft Impactor and it will be used to make M-sand and P-sand into powder by granting it. Here we are analyzing the details of machineries of a unit with the production capacity of 150 ton per hour.
Automatic washing and cleaning machine
Washing and cleaning machine is very essential for a M-Sand unit. This machine doing the process of the cleaning of stone powder by dividing cleaned sand from mud. Without this machine, the production process and extraction of pure M-sand and P-Sand cannot take place. Conveyors are used to convey material to washing machine and it also used to shift material from the machine
To establish those kind of a unit with including all above mentioned machineries and a vibrator and prewash unit we need to spend about 1.8 crore rupees. In this cost we have included all the cost like cost to machine installation, conveyor system, washing system and vibrating system.
Vibrating system for separate raw material
It will have a four layers vibrating system. From this we can produce four types of products. They are; 1.5 inch bollar, metal, baby metal and M-sand. In a 150 ton per hour production capacity VSI, we will get 30 percent powder by returning 70 percent of raw material.
This remaining 70 percent will be again processed by recovering it through conveyor system and it will be filtered by using vibrator. So again it will be returned to VSI machine. This machine will have the guarantee and service warrantee for one year.

Vehicles are important
Besides these, we need required vehicles to transport the material and products. The cost for vehicle will be subjected to vary based on your purchase mode. If it is new vehicles, the cost will be higher than second hand vehicles.
Contact for machine
Nandhi crushers
Door No.2/281, Madukkarai, Chettipalayam Road,
Bodipalayam (po), Coimbatore – 641105
Tamil nadu India
PH: +91 8012889926
Must to install separate transformer for electricity connection
Usually, a crusher unit will have the power consumption of 100 to 150 HP. So, a separate transformer is compulsory to establish this unit. You have to spend 6 lakh rupees for setting transformer and accessing electricity connection.
Therefore the total investment expenditure to establish a unit including building expenditure, machinery and electricity connection is 19,310,160 rupees. In this cost, we did,t included the cost of purchasing vehicles.
Raw materials M sand p sand crusher
Its only raw material is particles and pieces of quarry stones or rocks. Many of the units may have their own quarry to take the stones and others can collect stones from outside. One foot stone has the price of 18 to 20 rupees. It is important to choose very strong stones for this production.

Different types of bollars are available with different qualities and colors. Some may have good quality and some may be very weak and it also available in different colors too. So it is significant to select strong stones for production.
Profit from crusher unit
Here we calculate the profit from m sand crusher unit. One foot raw material has the cost of 18 to 20 rupees and we are taking RS 20 for this profit calculation. The above mentioned investment expenditures are for the unit with production capacity of 5000 foots. Here we are calculating the expected profitability of such type of a unit.
Raw material cost per foot
Therefore, in total, 5000 foot raw material will have the cost of 1 lakh rupees. At the time of production, we will have the 10% loss of materials from this. So, there will be additional expenditures of 10,000 rupees for raw material. Therefore the total cost for raw material can be estimated as 110,000. Thereby, in net effect, one foot raw material will have the cost of RS 22.
Electrical and salary expenses per day
We have to add electricity bill and salary of workers to these total variable costs. As it is running with fully automatic machine, 7 workers are enough for this unit. On an average, if we are providing 1000 rupees as wage for a worker in a day, we have to spend 7000 rupees as wage in a day.
If we are running our unit in its optimal level by producing with the capacity of 5000 foot, the total electricity bill for a month will be around 1.5 lakh rupees. If we are operating in 26 days in a month, the average electricity bill in a day will be 5769 rupees.
Maintenance and other expenses
In addition to these costs, we have to estimate 500 rupees as maintenance charge for a day. This maintenance charge is subjected to vary. It may be possible to run the unit for many days without any maintenance charge. In some situations it may have a huge maintenance charge. So, on an average, we are calculating RS 500 as maintenance charge.
So, till now, the total cost to operate the unit in a day is 13,269 rupees.
How about the selling price
Now we can consider its selling price. 60% of its total output will be M-sand. Usually the M-sand can be selling at the rate of RS 38 per foot. The remaining 30% of output will be P-sand and it can be selling at the rate of RS 48 per foot.
The wastage from the production has already calculated with the cost. So, it is not considering in this calculation. By this calculation, we can produce 3150 foot M-sand and remaining output as P-sand in a day.
Total revenue per day
Now we can consider the turnover in a day. The total sales revenue in a day from M-sand will be RS 119,700. From the sale of 1350 foot P-sand, we can earn 64,800 rupees. Therefore, the total sales revenue in a day will be RS 184,500.
Net profit from m sand crusher per day
To estimate net profit in a day, we have to deduct the cost of raw material, RS 110000, and daily expense, RS 13269, from this total sale revenue. By this calculation, it is estimated that the net profit in day from m sand p sand crusher will be RS 61,231.
This amount of profit can be earned only when we are utilizing the maximum production capacity of a unit. In many cases, it may not be possible to utilize the optimum capacity and the total production may be below this ideal level.
Monthly profit from m sand p sand crusher unit
Even though, it is possible to earn an attractive level of profit from this business. If we are running our unit in 26 days in a month with its maximum production capacity, the total profit from m sand p sand crusher unit in a month will be a huge amount.
Approximately, it can be estimated as RS 1592006. If we are utilizing maximum production capacity, we can recover our invested amount within 2.5 years out this huge margin of profit.
There will be a secured huge market for M-sand and P-sand including construction works in government and private sectors. M-sands are mainly used to construct wall and concrete work. P-sands are used for plastering works. In this modern period, there are many difficulties for extensive use of natural river sand in construction.
So, Nowadays, M-sand and P-sand are widely using for construction. If you are keeping the quality of products and providing it neatly after washing, you will have a consistent market with high supply orders. For a newly established unit, it is necessary to contact directly with the contractors in your surrounding areas. There will be many private and government contractors and you can capture their orders by providing many offers and services.
After you established in the field, you can operate independently for a long time. There many goods carrier vehicle which are mainly loading M-sand and P-sands. Through the drivers of those vehicles also you can capture the orders and market. So, by sing your skill, you can explore the market in many ways.
License procedure for m sand p sand crusher unit
In the legal side, the unit should keep a distance of 50 meters minimum from others property. It is very important and compulsory to get paper clearance for your unit. And you should ensure that there are no residents’ houses within 200 meters of surroundings of your unit.
His types of crusher units are come under the category of orange. That means it is not included in the categories of white, green and yellow. Therefore, you should be very vigilant when deciding the location of unit. It should not establish in living areas, or near to resident areas and towns.
The final permission and paper clearances should be collected from Panchayath or Municipalities. Before trying to collect all licenses, you should have the building plan in advance. All other paper clearances can be done through step by step procedures. Before trying to collect licenses, you should ensure that your area is suitable to establish such a unit by collecting clearance from Pollution Control Board.
In this article, we have explained all the details to establish a crusher unit including machinery, building, legal requirements, profit margin and marketing in detail.
In this article, we have tried to include all the necessary information to establish M-sand and P-sand Crusher unit. All the detail given here are purely based on studies and analysis n this field.
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