We provide in this article all the details about how to “start flour mill business plan and project report”. Rice powder, Atta and the other production methods . It have a good market in each and everywhere in the world.
In this content we include all the details of this business . Like making of production plant,machinery ,investment,profit and license clearance of this business. Rice powder is commonly used for making different types of breakfast. Pathiri,chappathi and puttu are the important breakfast dishes among them.
Flour mill project report
Machinery for flour mill business
Contact for flour mill machinery .
Production process for flour mill
Profit making from Flour mill business plant
Investment for flour mill Plant
Marketing tips for flour mill business

Many countries follow different types of methods to prepare breakfast based on their culture.The fact is, they use the rice powder for all these things. We may happen to see many people who attain success by starting a flour mill . And make it profitable by using different types of marketing strategies. We also given some more details in this article like contact details of machinery,profit of this business and the method of making.
We must want to select the necessary raw materials. But there is no need of fear in the the availability of it. Rice and wheet are the major food items in India have a better development in this sector. The materials for this business are well available in the places in India. The state like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,west bengal,gujarath etc.
Contact for puthuma flour powder distribution
Madeena hi tech food product
Kuzhimanna, MAlpaauram
Kerala India Pin 673641
Email: madeenahi.tech@gmail.com
Ph: +91 9847056726 , +91 8943214255
Machinery for flour mill business plan
We need ten different types of Machinery for flour mill business plan. So get three products as output from this machinery and they are pathiripodi,chappathipidi (atta) and puttpodi. We should be provide the production procedure of this business below. Flour mill machinery will find out through internet.

Before that we will give you more information regarding the machines. Steamer is the first machinery need for this business. And the second one is pulverize machine . We need three pulverizer for both patiri,chappathi and puttpodi respectively. We also need a boiler tank for steam making. It is used to make steam and we can select it according to our production capacity.
Vibrator machine
Then we need two shifter or vibrator and cooling tank machines. In this machinery using for filtering and cleaning the final product. Through a vibration method before packing is the function of shifter machine. We also need two conveyors and it’s number will be provided based on it’s production method. More details of this will be added while describing the production process.
Storage tank
The next essential material is a storage tank. Production is a continuous process. But we can’t able to pack all the products at a single time itself. We do the packing according to the orders. So we need a storage tank having a quantity of ten ton. Machinery for flour mill business plan suggest as an idea. That you can make the quantity of the tank according to your production capacity.
Then we need a packing machine. There are three type of packing machines and they are fully-automatic,semi-automatic and manual. It is better to use fully-automatic machinery while your business update into a branding level.
Contact for machinery
pilot smith pvt ltd
Trichur District, Kerala PIN : 680 683
Email : mech@pilotsmithindia.com
Ph: +91 8921750661
WhatsApp +918921750661
Production process for Flour mill business plan(puttu powder, Pathitiri powder and atta)
Now let’s discuss about the Production process for Flour mill business plan . Make the steam by filling the water in the boiler tank and burn the fire woods under the tank. This is the first process. We use this steam to boiler the rice and to fry the pulverized rice powder.
Washing process 1st step
Secondly we want to wash the rice very well For the Production process for Flour mill business plan. For that we want to fill the rice in the steamer tank according to it’s quantity. That means if your steamer tank have a quantity of hundred kilogram,you can able to fill hundred kilogram of rice in it.
Steaming process 2nd step
After this process fill the water in the steamer and rotate it for almost fifteen minutes. As well as remove the water from the steamer and close the steamer to again apply the steam it for almost forty five minutes. The time for steaming is based on the quality of the rice we use. We can able to understand the exact time for steaming purpose by steam some rice as a trial.
Pulverizing process 3rd step
After this we need to pulverize the boiled rice with the help of pulverize machine.We use this steamed and pulverized rice powder for making puttpodi. If you want to make patiripodi instead of puttpodi,just want to roast and grinde the powder after pulverization.
After that bring the powder into the storage tank by roast it for almost two hours. And put it into the cooling tank for make it cool it and clean it with the help of vibrator. Then pack the product that get as output like one kilogram,five kilogram,twenty five kilogram,fifty kilogram e.t.c. If you get more orders,pack more products.
Profit making from Flour mill business plant
Now let’s discuss about the profit making from Flour mill business plant. The profit is based on the cost of available raw materials. While we considering in India, the raw materials like rice and wheat are well available. Getting the material by a bulk purchasing for cheap cost is the major attractive fact of this business.
The material (rice) used to make patiripodi and puttpodi are different. The amount worth for material of one kilogram of puttpodi is twenty six rupees . And in the case of patiripodi it is just twenty two rupees.Which means the material quality entirely different with each other rice. The average production cost to make one kilogram puttpodi is eight rupees.
Hence,the production cost to make one kilogram of puttpodi is thirty four rupees. While we sell it in the wholesale,you can able to sell it for fourty three to fourty five rupees. The final expense for making one kilogram of puttpodi is thirty four rupees. The sale price of this product is fourty three rupees. Therefore,we will get nine rupees as profit from one kilogram.
Monthly profit from puttupodi flour mill
Firstly we want to calculate the profit of one day for the calculation of Monthly profit from puttupodi flour mill . We must to be determine the production capacity of one day. If we have a production quantity of one ton,we will get nine thousand rupees as profit in a single day.
If we calculate in that way a company which will produce one ton on each day of one month. They will get two lakh thirty four thousand as profit from one month .The production of twenty six days per month. The calculation of patiripodi and wheat powder is also like that.
Investment for flour mill Plant
The major investment for flour mill plant are building, machinery,electrical work and electrical connection and license or paper procedure.
Building investment
The minimum area for flour mill needed 10 meter width and 20 meter length . It have the enough place for stocking area of raw material and final product also. So the construction charge will be on the bases of squire feet. The 10 meter width and 20 meter length are came 2400 Squire feet . One squire feet expense will be 250 Indian rupee. So the building investment will be 2400*250 = 600000 Indian rupee.
Machinery Investment
Machinery investment for flour mill business plan on the bases of your requirement or project report. So we calculate 1000 kg production capacity per day. The all system excluding packing machine the investment will be 1600000 Indian rupee.
Electrial connection and work investment on the bases of allocation of electrical supply. And also make the area we selected. The avarage investment will be 2.5 lakh Indian rupee.
Paper clearance and license procedure for flour mill is very easy on the bases of our legal capability. The investment should be 75000 Indian rupee.
Total Investment for 1000 kg / day
Building investment – 600000 Machinery
investment – 1600000
Electrical investment – 250000
License investment – 75000
Total investment – 2525000 (25.25 lakh Indian rupee)
Marketing tips for flour mill business
Next,we will discuss about the marketing strategies of the flour mill business. You can able to do market of the products like patiripodi,puttpodi and chappathipodi in three different ways. Another merit of this business is the market of these products will not end. This business would be there till the mankind is remains.
Branding your product
Branding is an essential factor in the case flour mill business plan . We can’t able to sell bulk of products without branding in food product. Packing and labeling are the essential factors. You must take care of while do branding in factor of brand name and emblem. The label should be there and the packing should be attractive. Applying a brand name and emblem on the packet is better. You can also able to do advertisement in a small manner for marketing
Direct marketing
Direct marketing is the best profitable marketing method. While doing direct marketing you need a direct marketing staff. This help to make it more transparent.
So take someone like that and send him to the market to understand how important our facts are in the market. After that supply our goods direct to marketplaces. This way we can makes a maximum profitable ratio in our business.
Distribution side and exporting side marketing
Likewise we can elaborate our distribution from far away from our nearest areas. Perhaps to finding applicable distributors to the market. By finding distributors you can able to sale a large quantity of products very fast. So you will be a well known person while do direct marketing.
The people can also find you to the help of your social media advertisements as well as your goods well known brand in the market . And also you can able to enter to exporting by making inquiries.
The economists evaluate five years for attain success for a Small scale business. As a result of constant effort of five years you can able to acquire the market and bring the company into success.
License procedure for flour mill in Kerala
The License procedure for flour mill business plan in Kerala are given below. We listed what are the license need for the start up process.
- SSI Registration (Udyog Adhar )
- Pnjayath or municipality license
- Polution control board
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