Here we explain all the procedures to establish a PVC conduit pipe Manufacturing Business or wiring pipe manufacturing unit . In PVC pipes, we have both plumping pipe and wiring pipe. Beside these, there are many other products which can be produced by PVC. Among these products, one of the popular products produced by PVC is PVC wiring pipe.
Check details
Contact for pvc conduit pipe distribution in kerala
Machinery for pvc conduit pipe
Investment for pvc pipe start up
Marketing tips for Pvc conduit pipe
license procedure for pvc pipe unit
Machinery equipment is necessary to produce PVC conduit pipe. Two types of machinery can be use for this production process. We can use either double screw barrel (twin screw barrel) or single screw barrel machine for this purpose.
Tow category of pipes can produce by using this production technique. It is possible to produce both ordinary conduit pipes and pvc pipes with ISI grade mark. Single screw barrel machine is enough to produce ordinary pipes. It is better to use twin screw barrel machine to produce the pipe with ISI grade mark.

Extrusion process is the method of production to produce PVC conduit pipes. In this modern period, there is no any place in the world without electric connection. PVC wiring pipe is using as a medium to extent wires in between connections in electrical work.
Contact for PVC conduit pipe distribution
Puthiyodath polymers
Manufacturing pvc conduit pipe
chakkalam kunnu Kuzhimanna Malappuram (DST)
kerala India
PH: +91 9605683864 , +91 9447679607
As a country like India, most demanded pvc conduit pipe with highest turnover is ordinary pipes. It can be available in different colors and its quantity of demand is different in different areas.
The most demanded colors in this pvc conduit pipes are black color pipe and white color pipe. In ivory color also this pipes are producing at larger quantity.
In this article, we have explained all the procedures to establish this type of a unit including machinery, investment, license clearance and possibility of profit and loss.
Machinery for pvc conduit pipe manufacturing business
Her we discuss about the machinery for pvc conduit pipe manufacturing business. As we already said, two kinds of machines are using for this production process of pvc conduit pipe. We have both twin screw machine and single screw machine.
Twin screw extruder machine for PVC wiring pipe
A complete set of a machine in this production include Mixer machine, Extrusion machine, Cooling tang, Traction machine and Cutter machine. If we are using twin screw extruder machine for wiring pipe, we have to use either virgin material or pulverized powder as material. For this purpose we need a Pulverize machine too.

Twin screw machine is most suitable to produce ISI grade mark pipe with higher quality. These types of products are widely used in big projects and government building constructions. These high quality pipes are also using within concrete roofs for electric work.
Now, all the available twin screw machines are fully automatic for pvc wiring pipe . That means, if we use or deposit a copper hill as raw material in this machinery, it will automatically concerted in to finished product. We are using AC drive to control its speed in both machines. As it is fully automatic, it will have a computerized sped controller.
Single screw machine for pvc conduit pipe making business
To produce ordinary pipes, it is better to use single screw machine for pvc conduit pipe making business with 65 and above barrel size. We can produce pipe with this type of machine by using scrap. There are four types machines in this set as we already said.
They are; Mixer, Extrusion, Traction and Cutter. Both automatic cutter and manual cutter are using in this process. Contact details to purchase this type of machines with good quality are given below.
Contact for pvc pipe making machine
Windsor Machines Limited
5403, Phase IV, GIDC, Vatva,
Ahmedabad – 382 445, Gujarat, (INDIA)
email :
Ph: +91–2764–307100
Investment for PVC conduit pipe manufacturing unit
The main investment for PVC conduit pipe manufacturing unit are building , machinery, electricity connection and paper clearance. The area of building should have a size enough to install all machines, area to stock raw materials and finished products.
Building investment for pvc wiring pipe plant
The Building investment for pvc wiring pipe plant on the bases of your building plan. Therefore the size of bilding at least, should have 20 meter length and 15 meter width. Investment expenditure on building depends on the materials we used in its construction. Usually it constructed by using GI sheets and GI pipes. If you are constructing a building in your own land, you should keep at least a distance of 10 meters from the land of anybody else. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to get NOC from Pollution Control Board.
Approximately, it will have the area of 3600 square feet if you are constructing a building with 20 meter length and 15 meter width. When you are constructing this kind of a building with GI sheet, it will cost about RS 250 for one square feet. So, the total cost to construct a building with above mentioned size will be about RS 9 lakh.
Machinery investment for PVC-Conduit Pipe Manufacturing Business
Next category of main investment expenditure is Machinery investment for PVC-Conduit Pipe Manufacturing Business. As we already said, we have both single screw barrel machinery and twin screw machinery. If you are installing twin screw machine, it cost about RS 45 lakh and above. The total installation charge for single screw machine starts from RS 15 lakh and above. So the total cost to establish a manufacturing unit by using single screw machine with production capacity of 365 kg will be about RS 20 lakh. Beside this, you have to install a Grinder to grind the production waste. It will cost about RS 2.5 lakh.
Electrical investment for pvc wiring pipe unit
As it is a small scale industry, it need about 80 HP power connection. If you take power connection from existing line or transformer, it will harmfully affect the power allocation of other connections. Therefore, you should set a separate transformer by yourself.
Approximately, it will cost about RS 4.5 lakh. Total expenditure for electrical materials and electrical work to establish such a unit will be around RS 150000. So that, in total, it will cost about RS 6 lakh for electricity connection and its work to establish PVC wiring pipe unit.
Paper clearance and other investment for pvc pipe factoy
The total investment for paper clearance to establish PVC wiring pipe manufacturing unit will be about RS 75000. To start a unit, mainly it needs license from Panchayat or Municipality. The details of license have given in coming section in detail.
Total investment for PVC Conduit Pipe Manufacturing Business
In this details are an average investment for pvc conduits pipe manufacturing business. It will be increase or decrease on the bases of your project or plan.
- Building investment = 9 lakh
- machinery with single screw = 20 lakh
- Electrical connection and work = 6 lakh
- Paper clearance = 75000
- Total = 35.75 lakh
Raw material for wiring pipe manufacturing business
The main raw material for produce PVC wiring pipe manufacturing business is Resin virgin material. You can add a specified amount of calcium carbonate in to it. For this material compound, you have to add some chemicals to that material.
Most commonly used chemicals for that purpose are wax, stearic acid, carbon black and so on. Titanium is needed to produce ivory color pipe and the color is available in the market for ivory color coordination.
When you are producing ordinary PVC wiring pipe, you can use the raw material as production waste produced by other companies. when producing high quality pvc pipes with virgin material. You can purchase those production wastes at a very low cost.
Therefore, it is possible to sell ordinary pipes with good quality at a low price in the market. Because you are using the production waste of high quality products produced by other companies directly after grinding. So the quality of ordinary pipe also will be high. When producing black color pipe, it is necessary to use carbon black and it also essential to use Wax and stearic acid for its proper melting.
Chemical compound depends on the capacity of our mixer. That means, some mixer has the capacity of only 25 kg and some mixer has the capacity of 50 kg in a single batch. So the quantity of chemical mix should depend on the quantity of mix. The contact details to purchase raw materials have given below.
Contact for pvc pipe material for manufacturing.
Ceyenar Chemicals Pvt Ltd
P.B.No.233, Annankunnu Road,
Kottyam, Kerala.
Ph :+91-481-2304461+91-481-
Marketing tips for Pvc conduit pipe manufacturing.
Now we can make an analysis on its marketing tips for pvc conduit pipe manufacturing. The most important element which you have to consider when you are establishing any manufacturing unit is that its market. The success and failure of a business is depends on the volume of sales of the product.
Firstly, you have to develop a brand name and it has to be market directly at initial stage. No need to invest more on labeling at this stage. We can make its labeling at a very low cost by screen printing or by pasting stickers.
Direct marketing
The most profitable means of marketing technique is direct marketing pvc conduit pipe. You have to market the product directly by yourself in your district and nearby places. For a new entrepreneur, it is very difficult to capture market.
Distribution ship
To overcome this issue it is better to join with one or two distributors who have well experience and larger share in the market. This will helps to capture market gradually even though it may reduce some amount of profit in short run. For that it is necessary to conduct a detailed market study.
The study will helps to found most leading distributor of PVC wiring pipe in the market. It is a good strategy to sell our product with the brand name of that leading distributor. It is very essential and another marketing strategy that to design a visiting card and a price list.
Even though it is a commonly used marketing strategy, it will help to introduce us in the market. At initial stage it is better to make a preferably small amount of working capital and based on market demand. At this time the cash in flow from sales can be reinvested and the production process and running of machines should be based on demand and order. It will help to reduce working capital and cost like salary expenses and electricity charge.
Profit from pvc conduits pipe
The average profit from pvc conduits pipe will be 20-25 Indian rupees per kilogram. In the production process and production capacity of the machine will determined the profit level of pvc pipe.
We use different type of pvc material like resin and scrap. The production method also change on the bases of material. When use the resin material ,the production quality will be higher than scrap product. But the market rate also will be higher than the scrap product. The scrap material is better than resin for pvc ordinary wiring pipe making.
Day profit
If your production capacity is 500 kg per day the profit will be 500*25=12500 inidan rupee per day. Then we calculate production cost of a day will be 4500 indian rupee on the bases of salary and electricity. So the net profit from day = 12500-4500= 8000
Monthly profit from pvc wiring pipe
On the calculation of monthly profit include all expenditure and income. So we calculate maintenance, Transporting, Office expenses, rent etc. Here we all ready set our day profit, that 8000 per day.
Even 26 day will working in a month so the monthly profit should be 8000*26= 208000 (2.08 lakh indian rupee). So we will get the net profit when we will less the other expenses from the amount. It will be 80000 per month on the bases of rent, interest, transporting etc.
So the net profit from a month is = 208000 – 80000 = 128000 (1.28 lakh indian rupee)
License procedure for pvc conduit pipe manufacturing factory
In the Pvc conduit pipe manufacturing business must to take the below papers for start up.The license procedure for pvc conduit pipe manufacturing not a difficult one but some procedure. this product under green category.
- SSI Registration (udyog adhar) for Pvc conduit pipe manufacturing factory
- Panchayath or municipality license
- Pollution control board NOC
- Fire and safety NOC
- Health department NOC
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In this article we include all information about PVC Conduit Pipe Manufacturing Business. All of this informations are on the bases of our study and research . So machines and materials are getting from so-many other companies. Can you pleas search on google for other machinery details.