Vellappam or palappam making business ideas is a food making business. If you want to start this business we should give all details about to start up.
In this articles show all details about the business like machine, expenses, profit, market everything. Every business have its on potential , so we make sure only the market demand.
The market demand of vellappam or palappam making business in India is huge expecialy in south India. Because the south Indian break fast food have a important roll with vellappam, porata, chappathi,iddly like that.
Usage of machine help to reduce the manufacturing cost the mater of workers and time. Also increase the production quality and quantity. So It will help to increase your marketing quantity and supply.
Machinery for Vellappam or palappam making business ideas

This machine working with the help of single phase electrical connection and lpg gas. The cost of production is same as manual production cost as the mater of material and gas.
But you will get mass production with the help of this machine in a single person as worker. Six hundred vellappam or palappam will produce with in a hour is the merit of this machine.
The labor cost of production should save in a wide market consumption or you will be able to take a big market very easily. So no tension about the production is a safe business strategy.
The price of vellappam or palappam making business ideas machine is 5 lakh indian rupee .
Contact supplier for machinery
Metal age Technologies,
near lp school , pullur,kerala
Ph:- +91 0480 2833574
E-mail :-
Investment for installation Vellappam or palappam making machine
In this machine made with single phase electrical connection in half HP power. So this machine have to capable for homely use. Install this machine to your kitchen or small shed.
No need for building construction, it will make to reduce installation investment. Because the single phase connection and size of the machine. The machine size is medium and fit to small area for production.
If you want to start a production unit near by your home should need to construct a three hundred squire feet building for installation. Make height of the building must to construct four meter.
License for vellapam or palappam making unit
License clearance have normal function for food processing unit. So must to take license in local body like puchayath or municipality. This is a food process so must to take FSSAI.
This license should be help to make your company as legal protection from health department of the government.
Where is your market in vellapam or palappam making business

All market have is own demand for palppam or vellappam because in a single or small market have minimum 10 hotels. Avery hotels are selling vellappam or palappam minimum of fifty to hundred numbers each day.
All hospitals and school or collage have canteen for food. Each and every canteen selling vellappam or palappam above hundred numbers day by day.
Catering services have its own market and all celebrating function using vellappam or palappam for their verity of food. So the market potential of palappam is very huge.
We make to sure that our market have how many hotels, canteens and catering service. That will helping to increase our confident about the market.
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