Surgical face mask manufacturing business plane will give through this article all information about the production process and business. Like machinery,materials,investment,marketing, license and paper clearance etc.
The surgical face mask are worn by all peoples when the epidemic period and the health care professionals wearing during surgery. That for avoiding to contact bacterial infection from liquid droplets and aerosol.
The era 2020 is an example that to came covid-19 virus . Then the face mask shortage are the big problems to the health department all over the world.
Surgical face mask use as a protective barrier to prevent cross contact from patient and doctors. Also use the protection from air or natural pollution for health.
The materials for surgical face mask as using non woven fabric and cotton cloths. And those are make two layer and three layer forms.

Production method of Surgical face mask manufacturing business plane
Two type of production process are mainly using the Production method of Surgical face mask manufacturing business. There are manual production and machinery production.
Manual production (simple production)
Stitching machine is used to manual production of pollution protection face mask . Those who know to stitch well using stitching machine. He or she can able to make masks of two layer and three layer in a good system.
Cotton material is used to make masks using stitching machine. You can able to produce masks by cutting cotton material and setting the cloths in layers.
You must use the measurement of 7 inches width and 14 inches length and use two elastic rubbers to lock the mask. The measurement to cut the elastic rubber is 7 inches.After that stitch it in the both side of the masks.
Semi automatic machine
While we considering the machine production,there are two different types of machine productions. They are semi-automatic machine and fully automatic machine.
In the case of semi-automatic machine,the major production is surgical mask.
After setting layers and loop you can able to produce almost 1000 and 2000 pieces automatically with in one hour.
But an important demerit of this machine is,due to semi-automatic system,you must stitch the elastic rubbers seperatly. But the production capacity is very high and you can able to take a huge production in a single day itself.
When you use semi-automatic machine,the number of workers is very large. Because the extra works other than stitching like stitching elastic rubbers must be taken by the workers . Due to this,the daily expense will be a little more.
contact semi automatic machine for face mask business
MOBILE: +91 8866611199, 8866622299, 9898619956 FAX: 91 79 29705526
Fully automatic machine
Surgical face mask manufacturing business plane have in the case of fully-automatic machine,the production is very simple. If you role the material and set it on the machine . You will get the products in the form of fully packed . Also you will get a good and clear production that suitable to distribute to the market.
By using this machine,you can able to decreae the number of workers substantially and also the daily expense.But when compare this machine to the semi-automatic machine,the fully-automatic machine is an expensive one.
There is a big difference in the production capacity of both machines in a hour itself. By using fully-automatic machine,you will get a production of 10000 pieces per hour.
When we consider the production capacity of this machine in a minute,you will get a production of almost 50-60 pieces in minimum quantity on the bases of machinery.

contact to KYD china manufacturer
ADD: Room 608, Lianlian Building A, No.79 Yueda Xiang,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
TEL: 0086-571-86597552; 0086-571-86597553
FAX: 0086-571-87295581 ext. 8009
E-MAIL: visit website CLICK
fully automatic machine
Ph : +91 9843263873
What are the materials for surgical face mask
Materials for surgical face mask manufacturing business are Non-wooven fabrics and Cotton cloths. The production method of surgical mask and pollution mask is different.
Surgical face mask is the most demanded product. Using 20,25,30,40 gsm are the major quality of the material. This product will get a good availability always in all period .
The pollution face mask make during the time of epidemic diseases .
People wearing to avoid affecting such type of diseases and to protect from the pollution in towns. The non-woven fabrics is set in two layers to use surgical face masks.
If you would like to start the production,don’t bother about the availability of the material. Because both the materials are well available in market. The details of the companies which make the materials are given below.
Contact for non woven fabrics
Dig vijay
Contact +91 9737735574
Kerala palakkad
Contact +91 9947159444
Investment needed to start Surgical face mask business
Investment needed to start Surgical face mask business
Like all other businesses,the investment of this business are building,machinery,eletricity,licence clearing e.t.c. The building is make according to your production process.
That is, if your production is manual,there is no need of a building construction. But if your production is using with semi-automatic or fully-automatic machines,you must need a separate building for that.
While making a building,construct the base of the building 10 meter away from the boundary of other land owners. The construction must be in minimum 500 square feet area.
The height of the building must be 5 metre at sides and 7 metre at centre.If you start the production unit by using almost small machinery,you want to spend almost 3 lakhs for building.
The investment of machinery is on the basis of production capacity. The price of machinery will be changed according to production capacity and it’s technology.
If you would like to start the production manually,the machinery of 15000 to 75000 rupees are available now.
If you want to use semi-automatic machines,it is available from 7 lakhs and upto 14 lakhs rupees.
I f you would like to buy fully-automatic machines,there are Two different type machinery and they are Indian made machinery and foreign made machinery.
The price of Indian manufactured machinery is almost 26 lakh rupees. Before buying the machinery it is a good thing to make an inquiry about the machinery and the company.
If you buy the machinery by seeing the Ad in this website,our website or vomyindia and it’s workers will not responsible for that.
Electrical connection cost are on the bases of area because of allocation of the connection. May be RS 280 / meter .(included post ,line,and job )
Total investment of your project may be on the bases of your plane and estimate as your dreams.(building+machinery+electrical+license)
Marketing tips or market demand of face mask
The market of disposable face mask is unstoppable.Surgical mask is a product that have demand on every time in the world. In every hospitals,surgical mask is used to their procedure.
Not only in operation theaters, but also in casualties the doctors and nurses use masks.
Now a days,world is face a big problem and that is pollution. So people use masks to prevent pollution. much types of masks are made with cotton cloths. Because it have a merit and that is it can be used for more times after washing.
We know that,while spreading covid-19, many places didn’t have enough masks . We see through social medias that the counties like America didn’t have enough masks for use.
Not only in this situation, but also now onward mask become the part of the daily life of the people. So there is a chance to enter many people to this sector. Because mask can be sold with a good profit.
Before machinery installation and it’s other procedures, make a study about marketing and how much people come to this field.
The major demanded areas of this business are hospitals, health care centres, companies and production sectors. Like this,this product will be an essential thing in our daily life.
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