Transportation business plan

Transportation business plan is one of the largest employments providing and profit making sector in the world. In this sector is working in different kind of ways in various countries.

Transportation business can be broadly divided into two; transportation facilities for passengers and goods transportation.

In passenger’s transportation business, there are various methods and forms businesses. As you all know, we have road transportation by vehicles like bus and car, rail transportation, air transportation and so on.

Transportation business

We have many ways to facilitate these services like road, rail, air ways and water ways. We have many business opportunities based on these services.

Besides this we have goods transportation sector also. In this article, we have explained all the details about the establishment of a transport business.

It also deals with procedures to start a business in transportation sector based on your capabilities and resources. In the following section we have explained how you can start this kind of a business and what the different ways to establish it.

Top 15 profitable transportation business

Important 15 categories of transport sector business options have discussed below.

#1- App based taxi service

Firstly, in all most all main cities, taxi services are managed by application or online facilities.

For example, Uber taxi service in India. In India, Uber taxi services are available in all most all important towns. You can list your vehicles also in this service by registering in their application.

This service is providing on a predetermined commission charge basis. By listing this category, you can easily increase the number of trips of your taxi.

#2- Out station car rental service for transportation

Secondly, you have out station car rental service for transportation business . It mainly focused in the areas like air ports, railway stations, bus stands and sea ports.

In these places there will be a massive group of passengers to depend taxi service.

You can do this service by using a taxi or rickshaw with permission. So, out station car rental service is a self employment which can be started with a small amount of investment.

#3- Tourist bus transportation business

Another option is establishment of a travels of tourist bus. It has been working in two ways. It can be working as a regular trip to a certain area with permission and as a private tourist bus.

In the case of private tourist bus service, you can decide the amount of rent based on number of tourists and order. But the number of orders and revenue will be based on season and your contacts and experience in respective field.

#4- Bike rental service

Fourth category is bike rental service. Bike rental service has a big business scope in all important tourist places and towns.

In these places tourist and visitors from outside including from other states will use bike for rent. For this purpose, you have to collect vehicle rent agreement from government.

After this you should make ready vehicles in your office. You can give vehicles to needy people for rent for a predetermined date at a predetermined price.

#5- Passenger bus transportation business

By passenger bus service also you can earn a fixed income. For this you can either purchase an existing vehicle with permission or you can apply for a new permission.

The important matter in this activity is you have to be punctual in your services. The bus should keep its timing and rout without any delay.

You can charge a ticket rate for your service which is prescribed by the authorities. You can expand your business by increasing the number of vehicles in future.

#6- Medical emergency transportation

Another category is medical emergency transportation. Mainly it includes ambulance service.

For that you should have an ambulance with sufficient papers. You will get big volume of service in the areas with more number of hospitals.

#7- school bus service

Seventh category of business opportunity in transportation sector is school bus service. As we know, the scope school bus services are increases day by day in this period.

Bus service is necessary in all educational institutions including nursery schools and colleges. All most all private institutions are depending private buses for his purpose.

If you have a connection with institutions, you can run a bus service for student by yourself or by depending others.

#8- Tour and travel agency

You can integrate any service providers by establishing a tour and travel agency. This is another important business opportunity in transportation sector.

For that you should have a good office and wide network of connections. By using this connection, you can act as a ticket agent and courier agent in others vehicles.

To run it efficiently you should have good management skill. You can provide many services through your agency like booking of air ticket, ship ticket, rail way ticket and bus ticket.

#9- Shipping and small boating services

Shipping and small boating services also one of the business opportunities in transportation sector. You can approach this business based on your financial and investment capacity.

In this field, you can provide house boating facility, small kind of boating services and shipping services. It is better to approach this business based on your locality, market potential and convenience.

#10- pick up service

Another kind of opportunity in this field is tourist area pick up service. it has big scope in famous tourist destinations, nature based tourist spots with trucking opportunity and forest areas.

You can also develop this pick up service by providing guide service through an agency to foreign visitors. It will be a good opportunity for the persons who have good potential to attract and canvas visitors.

#11- goods carrier service

Now we can analyze about goods carrier service. You can provide both local area goods carrier service and interstate goods transportation service at national level.

For this you should have a goods carrier vehicle. You can run it either by local transportation or by interstate service with heavy vehicles and more numbers based on your financial capacity. If you have good drivers and connections, you can develop this business extensively.

#12- tourist area pick up service

Another kind of opportunity in this field is tourist area pick up service. it has big scope in famous tourist destinations, nature based tourist spots with trucking opportunity and forest areas.

You can also develop this pick up service by providing guide service through an agency to foreign visitors. It will be a good opportunity for the persons who have good potential to attract and canvas visitors.

#13- Rent a car service

By providing rend a car also you can earn huge amount of money. There is huge demand for rental cars in our domestic area by NRIs, persons from other states for month, weeks or for a day.

It will have a predetermined amount of rent. Fir this business you should have an office with necessary licenses. If you don’t have license, it will be very difficult to take legal actions when there is lose of vehicles.

For that you should have efficient staff to deal with customers and handle documents.

#14- cargo transportation service

Another area is cargo transportation service. it is a service to transport cargos from airports and sea ports to its final destination. If you have a vehicle and driving license, you can deliver products of other companies to its clients with its bill.

You will get regular orders and remuneration based on kilometers. There is assured amount of income from this service. The most common cargos are air cargos and shipping cargos.

Besides these you can provide the service to deliver goods to godowns from railway stations.

#15- drinking water supply or wastage water cleaning

In this way, you can supply water to clients. You have clear all legal procedures to for water supply. This business can be done in two ways. You can supply drinking water or you can provide the service of removal of waste water from drainages.

.Many methods are using to supply drinking water. You can supply water in tanker vehicles or in cans and tanks. By providing the service of removing waste water from drainages also you can earn a huge amount of rent. For this purpose, you have to use tankers.

After absorbing waste water to tankers, it can be dumb in the desirable areas. Drainage water is mainly removing from hotels, hospitals and from other industrial centers. This drainage cleaning is necessary in flats and other big housing complexes.

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How to create transportation business

Create transportation business for your future business plan. As we have already discussed in introductory section different kinds of transportation facilities are available.

Select category

So, initially you should decide which is your preferred category of transportation business. You can either purchase a taxi car to work as a taxi driver. Like that you can establish a travels if you have adequate financial capacity.

You can purchase heavy vehicles like buses for your travels. Goods transportation is also a better option to run a self employment. You can supply any materials or goods in a vehicle within local areas or in outside localities by taking an interstate permission.

Study about your business

After selection process, you should make a detailed study on transportation business. For example, if you are prefer to be a taxi driver, you should understand that how much of your time can be utilized for that job .

How should be aware about acquiring maximum trips and orders. If you are interested to establish a travel, then also you should make a detailed study on operation of a travels.

This kind of detailed study will helps you to earn maximum revenue from your establishment. After the study, you should work on its registration process.

Registration for transportation business

If you are starting any kind of Transporting business such as taxi driver and interstate goods transporting system or passenger transporting system, you have to take necessary permissions from the side f government.

Now we can briefly look at main issues related to establishment of a travels and legal permissions and papers for a taxi driver.

It is necessary to have an adequate license for your activity. Next issue is related with its investment expenditure.


Investment expenditure is purely depends on the category of activity which you have selected.

If you are working on online Uber taxi service, you can increase your revenue by increasing the number of vehicles.

In the case of a travels, your investment expenditure will be comparatively higher and there by its return also will be comparatively higher.

So, your selection should be based on your capability and financial capacity.

How to manage transporting business

In this section, we have given a brief idea about the management of transporting business. In transportation field, mainly you should take care of your drivers, office staffs and accountants.

Try to appoint responsible drivers who have punctuality and commitment in their job. It is essential to have a mechanism for the performance appraisal of employees.

You should review the performance of workers periodically without fail. It is also possible to adopt latest technologies like GPS facilities to spot and identify the locations of vehicles.

You can also use latest software packages for accounting and you must ensure the quality customer service and efficient management of staffs.


Transportation system is compulsory to supply all produced goods across the world. So, all commodities are carrying its transportation cost and it will be charged by consumers.

It means that approximately one percent of total amount of trade volume in the world is transformed to transportation. From this, it is clear that transportation is the one of the biggest business opportunities in the world.

Majority of people in the world are engaged and depending any kind activity which is related with transportation sector for their livelihood. In this article, we have discussed about various kinds 15 business opportunities in transportation sector.

Among this, some of the opportunities can be utilized with low amount of capital and some opportunities need huge amount of investment. You can choose any of these options based on your investment capacity and skill as your livelihood.

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