
Iplas international plastic exhibition 2022

The IPlas International Plastic Exhibition was held at the Chennai Trade Center. Many machineries from India and abroad witnessed the demonstration. Mainly injection molding machine execution process blow molding machines etc. were seen in it. A lot can be learned once we put it in a plastic exhibition. The key is how each product is built. That is why many …

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Business ideas in India

Business ideas in India can be broadly classified into four categories. Such as ideas related to agriculture, construction, trade and service sectors. As we all know India is most second largest populated country in the world. Therefore, India can be considered as second largest market in the world too. By this reason all most all companies in the world are …

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LED fancy light show room business

Here we are explaining all the details to supply materials to the shops which distributing LED fancy light, steel doors and related products. You can also develop a retail shop which selling these products yourself. To purchase these LED light and steel doors with various qualities and designs, you can contact with address which we given below. Contact for LED …

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Spinal cord mobilization

Spinal cord mobilization focus to re position your spited disc to spinal cord. SPS physio therapy aims to focus on implementing evidence based,result oriented,scientific protocol in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation.Team SPS offers you a wide range of services to maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout your life-span. Mission *With tg help of advanced technology,talented professionals …

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Start mini super market business at your village

Start mini super market business at your village . When you should take care of many things while you Start a mini super market.The place we choose is one of the important one among them. The important aim of mini super market is selling the needful commodities to the people.While you make a super market or hyper market,you must need …

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Start Bag Making Business (school bag,ladies bag,cargo bag etc)

Start Bag making business – we are going to discuss through this article about the bag making business. You may see many different types of bags in market like school bags,ladies bags,jwellery bags,purse e.t.c. All these things are made with different materials by stitching. Among them,cargo bags are highly demand and profitable products. So in this article we included all …

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Vellappam or palappam making business ideas

Vellappam or palappam making business ideas is a food making business. If you want to start this business we should give all details about to start up. In this articles show all details about the business like machine, expenses, profit, market everything. Every business have its on potential , so we make sure only the market demand. The market demand …

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Synthetic string (sutali) business idea

synthetic string (sutali) business idea means a plastic coir for locking some object. It is highly demanded product in local and urban market. The production of sutali is very simple process with the help of machinery. The extrusion process will make happens. The extruder machine size will make the production capacity of the machine. All companies and shops are compulsory …

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Aluminium foil container business

Aluminium foil container business is one of profit making business in Kerala. Production is a medium scale business in India on the bases of investment. Aluminium is a non ferrous metal use numerously in packing industries. The containers kept food nicely and serves Hotly to the customers. India plays a vital role in production of aluminium foil container. But kerala …

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