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Auto mobile engine coolant making business

Auto mobile engine coolant – In this post, we are discussing about the business idea of engine coolant of vehicles. Coolants are liquid which used to keep engine in a normal temperature without creating much heat. Three different types of engine coolants Mainly there are three types of engine coolants which using for this purpose. They are;” Inorganic Acid technology …

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Top 10 profitable business ideas

Profitable Business ideas are different in each and every country in the world. This article is comprehensively discussing about top 10 profitable business. As we all know, the entire world is controlled by business. When we are analyzing the world history, we can found that many of the wars in the world were for capturing Business Empire. There was a …

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How to start peanut chikki bar making business

Peanut Chikki Bar are the profitable self employment opportunities. In this article we are explaining about the manufacturing techniques of these products. It also explains about the machinery to produce peanut sweet, necessary raw materials and investment. Peanut chikki bars have huge demand in all over the world. The Peanut bars can be produce both in traditional form and by …

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Transportation business plan

Transportation business plan is one of the largest employments providing and profit making sector in the world. In this sector is working in different kind of ways in various countries. Transportation business can be broadly divided into two; transportation facilities for passengers and goods transportation. In passenger’s transportation business, there are various methods and forms businesses. As you all know, …

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PVC and UPVC pipe manufacturing business

PVC, UPVC Pipe Manufacturing business is discussing in this post about the details of establishment. The Pvc (poly vinyl chloride )Upvc (un plasticized poly vinyl chloride) are making with the help of one machine. PVC, upvc pipes are mainly using for construction work, irrigation, electrical work and for agricultural farming. It is very essential to make a market study on …

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How to start soda soft drink making business

Here we have given all the details to start a ‘Soda Soft Drink Manufacturing Business‘. You can establish this business in two ways. You can either establish this business with low budget or with heavy budget. When you are establishing it with low budget soda soft drink business, you have to use the manual or semi automatic production technique. In …

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how to start used car dealership business

Used car dealership business is one of the most profitable business opportunities in the world. This business need very low amount of working capital and it is very easy to establish also. You can start this business either by establishing a show room or by setting it in your home. How to start used car dealership business Investment for used …

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How to start furniture business

Furniture business making has huge market potential in this current scenario. This article is comprehensively discussing all the details to start and run a furniture business. As we all know, furniture is extensively using in everywhere of the world. Furniture is essential and unavoidable in any places or institutions such as houses, hospitals, offices, schools, hotels etc. Therefore furniture manufacturing …

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How to start tea shop business plan

Tea Shop business plan is the best business opportunity with highest expected profitability. All the details to establish and run a tea shop have been explained in this article in detail. As you all know, establishment of a tea shop business plan is comparatively very easy process. It needs very less amount of investment expenditure. Very interesting thing is that …

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Garden hose making business

The garden hose making business is manufacturing business with the help of machine. In this article, we are discussing about production method and necessary machineries of garden hoses. As we all know, nowadays, garden hoses are highly demanded product in the market. In this current scenario, most of the households are setting gardens in their home for the purpose of …

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Start distribution agency

In this article, we explain all the details to start a distribution agency. Distribution agency is the best opportunity to establish a big business enterprise with low fixed or initial capital. However it needs desirable amount of working capital. In this article, we have included top ten categories of distribution agencies in the market. You can start a distribution agency …

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License for small scale industry in India

License for small scale industry in India and its procedures are the most crucial and complex process in the establishment of any production unit. In India, the process of licensing and its procedure are different for different kinds of industries. One of those important areas is getting clearance from pollution control board. The procedures to get clearance from pollution control …

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PVC pipe bending machine

PVC pipe bending machine help to manufacture pvc conduits pipe bend with law cost. PVC conduit pipe bending unit is very profitable business opportunity. In this article we are discussing about this interesting business enterprises. PVC wiring and conduit pipe bending processing unit can establish easily by any persons. It can be processed by different ways. Usually, most of the …

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GI roofing sheet making business idea

GI roofing sheet making business idea with machinery are highly demanded product in the market. In this article, we are explaining all the aspects of GI roofing sheet manufacturing business. As a country like India, GI roofing sheets are used for various purposes. The main material to make GI roofing sheets is GI color coated coils. These sheets will sustain …

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